‘.... an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1: 20 - 21

What a great reminder of the true meaning of Christmas! Mrs Wheeler talked to the students at the Prep to Year 6 final assembly about why we need to put Christ as the centre of Christmas. She talked about Christmas not being all about presents, the Christmas tree or the food but about why Jesus came to Earth on that first Christmas morning. She asked the children why they thought God sent his Son and a beautiful answer from one of our youngest students said it all, ‘He came to take the sin from our heart’. Please take time this Christmas, amongst the business and excitement of the day, to remember that you can’t have Christmas without Christ and what that means for our salvation and how we can be part of God’s family because Jesus was born that very first Christmas.

The end of the Year is a very exciting time for our students, many are receiving awards or performing at Celebration. Year 6 are very excited and probably nervous about the move to Senior School. It was lovely to celebrate this milestone with the children at our first Year 6 Dinner to be held at the College. I wish each and every one a smooth transition to Year 7 and look forward to seeing them grow and mature throughout their senior years.

Mrs Saville, Mrs Brown and Mrs Grima will all be finishing at the end of the year to begin their maternity leave. We are praying for them and their families for a safe arrival and wish them God’s blessing at this amazing time in their lives. Again I would like to thank and farewell Mr and Mrs Wheadon, Mr Raft, Miss Scipione, Mrs Gross, Mrs Arthur and Mrs Smith, our prayers and best wished go with you, you will all be greatly missed!

I would like to thank the staff, the parents and of course the children for another amazing year at Thomas Hassall. I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a safe and relaxing break.