At the end of last term 87 students entered the ICAS Science Competition. This is an extremely challenging competition that tests students ability to interpret and analyse scientific data.

Just under half of the students who entered the competition achieved an award with five students achieving exceptional results. Sreya Diddee (Year 8), James Richardson (Year 9) and Lachlan Shead (Year 10) achieved a Distinction that placed them in the top 10% of entrants. Miriam Leslie (Year 8) and Caleb Cruz (Year 10) achieved High Distinctions that placed them in the top 2% of entrants.

In addition to these results, 30 students were also able to achieve credits (top 30%) and seven students achieved Merits (top 40%). 

It is important to note that due to its difficult nature, only a select number of students enter this competition across the country, with most schools only entering their best and brightest students. To be placed in the top group of the top students shows that we have some amazing Science students here at the College.

Well done to all those students who entered!

Mr Michael Strong
Faculty Co-ordinator - Science