Our students heard first-hand from a trio of professionals based in England who work with Mathematics every day as part of their jobs. The interactive and entertaining format of the event had the audience engaged and fascinated by the various and intricate examples of the Mathematics used in the real world. Students were challenged to consider pursuing their studies in Mathematics at school and to explore the myriad of career opportunities in Mathematics related fields.
Our presenter and MC for the day was Matt Parker, known affectionately as the “stand-up mathematician” (@standupmaths). Furthermore, he is the only person to hold the prestigious title of London Mathematical Society Popular Lecturer while simultaneously having a sold-out comedy show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival! Other presenters included Rob Eastaway, author and director of Maths Inspiration since 2004 and Jennifer Rogers master statistician and risk calculator.
Each presenter spoke passionately about their area of expertise in Mathematics and how they use their knowledge and skills on a daily basis in their chosen professions. Students learnt about a variety of situations where Mathematics has contributed to discovery and improvement in diverse areas, such as, the evolution of the improved algorithms used to rank sporting achievement, the (mis)use of statistics in many health contexts, by way of an investigation with biased dice, and the power of logic and deduction. Students left the event having been exposed to a range of new mathematical ideas and more importantly with a greater appreciation of the ubiquitous nature of Mathematics in daily life and their potential future in a Mathematics related career.
Mrs Jennie Bucco
Mathematics Teacher