Our Class Parents will be hosting the annual Fathers Day Stalls on Thursday 31 August (Prep Blue & Purple, Senior School at lunchtime) and Friday 1 September 2017 (Prep Red, White, K-12) and we need some helpers to work on the stalls on both days as follows:

Thursday 24 August from 8.30am (or straight after drop-off) - for sorting and some wrapping 

Thursday 31 August from 8am-1pm (4 volunteers needed)

Friday 1 September from 7.30am-2pm (8 volunteers needed)

Please email Mrs Jo Hutchens, Director of Marketing, Enrolments and Community Relations E: [email protected] if you can assist.  It is such a lovely event to help with . . . the smile on the children's faces makes it all worthwhile! (no Dads allowed! ha!)

Many thanks to Mrs Laura Khoury and Mrs Suzana Matic who have spent many hours planning the day and arranging purchase of the wonderful array of gifts.