Welcome back to Term 3 at Thomas Hassall Anglican College.

Each year we see how technology advances, influences our lives and connects us in real time as we have never seen before.

As a school we need to respond to this positively and embrace this new digital and connected world we live in.  It is with much pleasure that we publish our first responsive digital edition of The Way and we trust that you will enjoy our new newsletter format.  As always, you will find it to be very informative and even more so in the new platform and design.  The Way is our most important regular publication for parents and we commend it to you. 

It will be published fortnightly on a Thursday – our research suggests that this is preferable to Friday as we are perhaps more focused on family, weekend activities, pizza or a movie rather than reviewing the newsletter!

The great news about the new format is that you can view The Way on any device at any time and it will automatically adjust so that you can read and scroll through the articles easily.  It is a very intuitive platform and we are sure that you will become very confident moving around the edition from article to article in no time at all. 

We would certainly appreciate your feedback during the launch period and ask that you email us at [email protected] to let us know what you think of the platform, content and user experience.  We will, of course, be reviewing the analytics too so that we can see what content is of most interest to our parents.

Many thanks to our Marketing and Community Relations Team for their sustained and passionate efforts to update and reinvigorate this important publication for the College.  I would also like to thank my assistant Ms Christine Klomp who has been responsible for assembling previous editions of The Way– a mammoth undertaking.

Enjoy scrolling, exploring and reading!